Monday, April 15, 2013

Warriors on Assignment

It is that time of year again.....the time where I am crazy busy.

Built for Battle is in less than 4 weeks.  I cannot believe it. 

In 2010, Matt and I came to the realization that conferences for our youth were getting more and more expensive and less and less youth were attending due to financial strains.  So, we contemplated how we could remedy the situation.  Matt threw around an idea to do our own 'conference'.  I blew it off, not wanting to take the task on.  However, the more I thought about it, the more it seemed like a good idea.

Therefore, Built for Battle Youth Rally was birthed.  We decided to create an event with a conference feel to it.  We wanted to offer live music, drama presentations, speakers (including at least one youth speaker), worship and food.  We decided, then and there, that we never wanted to charge an admission.  We would take all the necessary steps to ensure no one is turned away because of an inability to pay.  Therefore, we try to book local talent.  This is not something I take lightly.  I research for months until I find a band that I feel would be a perfect fit for our event.  We do the messages ourselves or get other area youth pastors to speak.  We use our own worship band.  Basically, we do whatever it takes to create a conference atmosphere on a low budget.

So, why Built for Battle?   This generation is hurting, more so than ever before.  They are in a constant fight in their homes, their schools and in their every day lives.  We want to equip them with the necessary tools to go out on the battlefield and fight.  We want them to realize they were BUILT FOR BATTLE; THEY WERE CREATED FOR WAR.  God did not intend for us to sit idly by while the enemy of our souls slithers in and tries to steal everything good from our lives.  No - God intended for us to toe the battle line, draw the line in the sand and arm ourselves.  He intends for us to put on our war paint and storm the gates with courage and purpose.

Our first year was "The War is Raging".  We wanted to let the youth know that there is a war going on and we were meant to fight it.  Our second year was "Stand Your Ground".  That year we impressed that we cannot be bullied.  When the enemy comes, stand strong and come against him.  Last year was "Storm the Gates" - the youth have an understanding that there is a war going on.  They are standing strong but now it is time to take action.  A war is not one sided.  If you have hopes of winning, you must go forward and take the enemy by surprise.  This year is "Sound the Alarm".  We are the voice they cannot ignore.  The youth needs to let the world know that they are world changers!  No matter who tries to silence them, no matter what comes against them, they need to shout out a battle cry and let the world know that they mean business.

We do not do this for our own agenda.  We do this because there is a generation out there that feels they are a mistake.  They feel they have no purpose so they float around, not knowing where they are going or who they truly are.  They are told they are worthless in their homes, their schools and in society.  Therefore, they try to find themselves in reckless behaviors such as sex, drugs, alcohol, self-mutilation, etc.  We are here to tell them this is not true!  They are mighty warriors on assignment!  The God of the universe loves them.  The God that breathed everything into being is enthralled with them.  The same God that parted the Red Sea, the same God that destroyed the mighty walls of Jericho, the same God that created the stars and knows them each by name.......that very same God wants nothing more than to be part of our lives.  How stinking cool is THAT?

So, the many hours of preparation, the tears of frustration, the sleepless nights, the stress of the day, the sore muscles, the pounding migraines, the grainy is all worth it when I see young people laying, face down at the altar crying out to God in desperation.  It is all worth it to hear them put aside their popularity to sit in the presence of their King. 

It is all worth it.

You were built for battle; you were created for war......SOUND THE ALARM!