Saturday, November 15, 2014

Running is of the Devil

I am not a runner.

I always say - if you see me running, you had better start running too because something is after me.

I hate it, loathe it, despise it!

I see people who say they love to run.  How it is so invigorating and they enjoy it.  How in the world do they enjoy it?  My legs scream for me to stop, my side feels like it is going to explode, my face flushes, I sweat more than any human should, I gasp for air like a fish out of water - excuse me?  But what part of that is "fun"?

Running is a big calorie burn.  It is great for the heart, lungs and muscles.  Therefore, I decided to make an effort to run several times a week.  I did....even though I had to make myself do it. Every.Single.Time.  But I did it.

I go to the gym a lot and do various fitness classes so for awhile I put the running to the side because I figured why do it if I didn't really HAVE to?  Recently, a friend brought to my attention a couple 5Ks coming up in our town.  Matt and I always said next year we were going to try our legs out on some 5Ks.  But when these were shown to me, I thought - why not?  So, time to get on that proverbial horse and beat the dreaded treadmill into submission.

I set a goal to do a 5K on the treadmill at least 5 times a week.  It didn't matter if I walked or ran, I just needed to finish.  I had tried the C25K (couch to 5K) but I figured I would just go into it full force.  The first day I started, I did a steady jog at 4.5 mph.  Not too bad.  I stopped a couple times to get a drink (it is hard to get a drink of water when you are galloping like a horse) and to towel off.  I ran it in just over 40 minutes.  Not bad for a first time, in my opinion.  My second day I shaved about 1.5 minutes off and did it in 38.37 minutes.  I had to skip a day because I wasn't home but the third day I was determined to get under 38 and skimmed it by the hair of my teeth and ran it at 37.58. 

While I know treadmill running is completely different than road running, I am well on my way to not finishing dead last.  That is my primary goal - not to be dead last and to at least finish.  I got this.

So if I hate running so much, why do I do it?  Well, there are the health benefits, obviously.  And as much as I hate it, it burns around 500 calories in a 40 minute run.  It would take me over an hour to burn that on an exercise bike.  There is something empowering about running too.  A year ago, I couldn't even jog a half mile.  I was carrying 90 extra pounds and just the thought of running made me sweat.  So for me to run a straight 3 miles without stopping or feeling like I am going to die, is huge!  I feel so accomplished and so proud of myself.

Afterwards, my legs are jelly, I am covered in sweat and my knees protest but as I catch my breath and rehydrate, I realize.....I am a runner.

I run.  I may not be graceful.  I may sound like a dying whale lying on the shore.  I may look like a hot mess.  I may even have to slow to a fast paced walk for a moment just to compose myself......

But I run.

I am 39 years old and I am in the best shape of my life.  I still feel I have a little ways to arrive to where I want to be but I am well on my way.  It is never too late.  There will always be an excuse.  There will always be a "will start tomorrow" mentality.  Make TODAY your TOMORROW.  Start small and one day you will wake up and realize you can do anything you put your mind to.

Even doing something that you hate. (haha)