Monday, February 16, 2015

Who knew?

So, since becoming a "runner" (I use that term loosely), I have discovered a whole new world! 

The big thing now is 'Virtual Running/Races".  This is really a simple concept.  You run on your own time and your own speed.  For example, you sign up to run a 5K (3.1 miles).  You can do it on the treadmill, outside, with friends, alone or an actual 5K race.  You can walk, trot, jog, walk, skip, hop...whatever, as long as you run the distance that is your goal.  Then, in some instances, you send your time and they post it on a leader board and then they mail you a medal.  How cool is that? 

The reason I discovered this hidden gem was I wanted medals when I ran.  A lot of 5Ks don't offer medals.  Some do if you place, but let's be placing is not in the spectrum of likelihood.  However, I still wanted a medal!

So we researched and ordered for our races we participated in.  They proudly hang on my wall.  Soon, however, we were having a hard time finding medals we actually liked.  I tend to be very picky.  Therefore, my husband suggested we make our own.....then we thought, this is a great way to raise money....then we thought why not do it for a cause......genius!

This birthed Medal Mouth - an organization that hosts virtual races throughout the year.  All people have to do is register ($20 for most medals) and run the race before the deadline.  Then their time gets on a leader board and their medal gets shipped to them!   There are a lot of groups and organizations like this but what makes ours stand out is that proceeds from every single race will go towards a cause. 

Currently, we are hosting a Chocolate Run Virtual Race (5K, 10K, 13.1) in honor of Valentine's Day and Easter all rolled into one.  Participants register at by April 5th and receive a 'sweet' medal!  (see what I did there?  SWEET medal, te he).  Proceeds for this race go towards missions - which you can read more on the Medal Mouth website!

Next race will go to bring awareness to Autism (April is Autism Awareness month!).  So give our facebook page a like for upcoming races and join the fun!

**note - if you do not want to run the race but wish to donate....just go ahead and purchase a medal anyway!  You can proudly display it as a reminder of the good you have participated in!