Thursday, May 10, 2012

Whistle while you work....

I am a control freak.  


I said it.

It is a mentality that I am trying to work on.  I have a lot of things going on and when I have an idea, I feel no one can see the vision for it like I can.  I figure no one can do it like I can, therefore if I want it done in a way that I won't worry about it....I must do it myself.

Whew, there are a lot of "I"s in that short paragraph.  The problem with this is I tend to complain when I am tired, achy and just plain fed up.  I take on projects then when I get frustrated because I have so much to do and won't delegate any of it, I will grumble and think that no one even acknowledges the work I do....or cares.

Now, let me say I am not one to accept gratitude and compliments gracefully.  I find it awkward and just smile and say "thanks".  I just want to do the work, get it done and succeed.  I don't need to have my name on anything I do....I just want it done and done right.  Failing is never an option.

The problem with this is I get so stressed out that I make myself sick, my back gets tight and aches, migraines set in and I am just a grump.  Whoa....if I am doing work for the Lord and grumbling about it the entire time, should I be doing it at all? 

We should do the work with a happy heart and without complaint. 

Colossians 3:23 states "Whatever you do, work at it with all of your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men."  

That puts things in perspective, doesn't it?  Perhaps I need to get this one tattooed somewhere so I don't forget it!

"Whatever you do"....that means everything.  That isn't pinpointing a specific task.  It says whatever you do, meaning all you do.  We should do everything as if we are doing the work unto God Himself, not man. 

If you have a job, do it well.  Do it as if you are doing it for the Lord.  Let's face it, ultimately you wouldn't even HAVE the job if it wasn't for the grace of the Father.  Let's be real.

Proverbs 16:3 says that if we commit our work to the Lord then our plans will succeed. 

So, as the busy season is upon me and I try to cram so much stuff into a short amount of time, I need to remember 3 very important things.

1. Work with a joyful heart.  If I grumble and complain while doing the Lord's work, then I shouldn't be doing it at all.

2. Take time out for my family.  I can't run, run, run and do everything without taking a step back, take a deep breath, share some laughter and create some memories.

3. Take time for myself *gasp*.  I rarely do this.  I can never shut my brain off to just relax.  Other ladies talk about bubble baths.  HA!  I jump in the shower and jump out.  I don't have time to waste sitting in water that is going to quickly get cold and has my grime from the day in it - um - ew.   I digress.  I need to just take time to do something I enjoy that doesn't involve the current project I am involved in.  That's a toughie.

So, if I can learn to manage those 3 key points and delegate more, perhaps I wouldn't be so stressed out. 

A girl can dream, can't she?

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