Sunday, July 27, 2014

Wa-hoo! VBS '14 a Success!

This past week has been a much anticipated event!  It was our annual Vacation Bible School.  

This was our 8th VBS and they just keep getting better and better.  This year was Avalanche Ranch.  The church was transformed into a ranch of amazing proportions that truly reflected the love of God.

We learned about how GOD IS REAL (story of Rahab), GOD IS WITH US (the crossing of the Jordan River on dry land), GOD IS STRONG (the falling of the walls of Jericho), GOD IS AWESOME (the death and resurrection) and GOD IS IN CHARGE (Naaman dipping in the Jordan River 7 times to be healed of leprosy).  We met our Bible Memory Buddies Buc, Shadow, Ranger, Skye and Boss.  We also watched the crazy antics of our pal, Chadder the chipmunk.

It takes a long to to prepare for VBS.  I have already started on next year's theme and already ordered some supplies offline.  Once the first of the year rolls around, I will be spending hours learning music, building props, painting, planning and thinking of new ideas to implement.  100's of hours go into VBS and that is no exaggeration. 

Why put all that energy into it?

Seeing the crew leaders connect with the kids, that's why.
Seeing the kids love on their crew leaders, that's why.
To hear a little girl say "this was the best day ever", that's why.
To have kids hug you and say "we don't want this to ever end", that's why.
To see kids with their heads bowed, asking Jesus to be their 'forever friend', that's why.
To see a little girl reach up and grab a leader's pinky as they walk to their next station, that's why.
Seeing lives changed, that's why.

These kids get it.  They are little but they understand.  They melt my heart.

Therefore, if you volunteered, donated, prayed or just offered encouraging words....THANK YOU.  Your actions are not taken for granted.  I appreciate each one of you.  You give me the strength to keep going when I want to just scream because I feel so overwhelmed.  Again, thank you. take a breath......relax for a bit......or until I get the kit for next year.  I can't help myself but to review and plan when I should be taking a break.  It is all just too exciting.

Until next year......

Sing and Play Stampede

Snacks, red team crew leader with his pal

Blue team crew leader and her buddy

Clementine dancing with the kids

Hearing the story of the wall of Jericho from Joshua himself

Coloring break in snacks
Horseplay Games

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