Thursday, January 29, 2015

Tough Decisions Birth Growth

Some decisions are tough.  That is an understatement!

Some times we fear what others will think.  Often times we wonder if the decision is the right one.  However, after much thought and prayer, I feel this is the right one....

Built for Battle will not take place this year.

I know....don't hate me!  Hear me out!

Built for Battle was birthed in 2010.  We wanted to create a youth event that didn't cost youth groups and churches a fortune.  It started small and on a shoestring budget but we did it!   Since then, we have done a total of 5 events.  Each one holds a special place in my heart and have loved the friends and connections I have made through them.

So if I love it so much.....why not this year?

There are several reasons.  However, the one that takes the most precedence is this....we wanted to create an event for youth groups to attend and connect.  However, we also wanted to use it as a tool to reach the lost.  We had hoped we would pull in other youth that are not part of a group or church and be able to minister and show them a love they were desperately needing.  While we had a few young people (and adults) come through our doors and leave changed, it wasn't fulfilling the goal we had.  Do not get me wrong.....I cherish everyone that has came to our events and those that have supported us.  I have felt eternally grateful to God for allowing us to minister to the young people of this generation as well as adults.  I praise God for those that came not knowing Him and left knowing the unbiased love of the Father. 

However, there had to be a better way.  What we found was we were hosting an event for adults and youth that ALREADY knew Christ.  They knew His love and understood His forgiveness and were part of a loving church with amazing pastors.  We were catering to those already secured in Christ.  That is not our mission.

So, we decided to do something new this year.  Well, it may be new to some but it is an old friend of ours.

Many years ago, we tried to resurrect Fear Factory (many know what I am talking about - our Halloween outreach).  However, that year it just wasn't going to happen.  The weather and time was against us.  Therefore, we gave up.   It just wasn't going to happen.  However, we wanted to do Matt and I created an event called Taking Back Halloween.  If you remember this event, you rock!

Taking Back Halloween was a concert.  We just had music, a drama presentation and a brief message.  Why the name?  We, as Christians, sometimes cower from Halloween.  We deem it "the devil's holiday".  We are here to claim that the devil doesn't OWN any days - they all belong to the Lord!  Whether it is January 1st, April 10th....or October 31st, they are all His!

So, this year, we are bringing it back!  We are going to book a band (if interested, contact me) and have a fun night of just some music and ministry.  Music brings people together, no matter their religious background - or lack thereof.  We are hoping this peaks interest in our community as well as the surrounding communities to show that church is not a stiff place you should be afraid of.  On the contrary!  It is a place of fun, joy, peace, love and acceptance!  We want to roll all that up into the package known as Taking Back Halloween.

More info will be coming as the year progresses.  We are pretty excited about this.  We know it is God given and He has confirmed it with us.  God knows me so well!  I hate to move from something I am comfortable with to something different without a solid "okay" from Him!

So be on the look out because in October we are TAKING BACK HALLOWEEN!

"THIS is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it."  -Psalm 118:24

Saturday, January 3, 2015

It's Never Too Late

So, around this time last year I made the decision to start going to the gym.  I had always refused to go no matter how many times my husband assured me it would be okay.  I envisioned the gym full of brick houses that gracefully run on the treadmill while I ran and panted like a hippo on dry land.  However, on a whim, we went to check it out.

And that is exactly what I saw.  Everyone was lifting weights, fit and look like they were going to bust somebody up as they walked around all macho-like.  But, I signed up.  They were having a Biggest Loser competition and we joined.  That was the momentum I needed. 

As I look back on the year, I can't believe what I have accomplished.  I have lost 90 pounds, developed muscles that were dormant most of my life and realized I am stronger than I give myself credit for.  Granted, it hasn't been easy.  There were days I let the scale define me a little too much; days I let the scale set the mood for the day.  However, once I got off the pity train, I focused and got right back at it.  Kind of where I am now. 

The holidays came and went and they left about 5 pounds with me.  They are so generous.  Not only that, but the eating of foods that I have avoided has triggered in my head the addiction I have.  It is like an addict that doesn't do anything for awhile but all it takes is one time to get the body back into the routine.  It is like the body says - "Oh, yea....I remember this feeling".   So, it is like I am starting over - only this time I know I can do it.  

I have ran three 5K races.  That, in itself, is amazing to me.  I hate running.  I really do.  But I love the competition of running.  I love the adrenaline I get when I cross the finish line.   I started running on a serious, more regiment level, November 11th.  I started out at 40 min 10 sec (for 3.1 miles; 5K).  On the treadmill, training, I now run it around 33 minutes.  When I run outside it is under 31 minutes.  I am shooting for under 30 minutes outside.  One day.

This year is no different than last.  I have fears, goals and apprehension.  I have another child graduating high school.  Then I won't have any kids in high school at all.  Crazy thought.  I turn 40 this year.  *gulp*.  There are some changes coming that I am both excited for and freaked out about all at the same time.  And goals - I want to lose 20 pounds this year and run as many 5Ks as I possibly can.   Crazy that I think about running, running gear, running shoes.....I would say I have an obsessive personality.  When I go for something, I don't just go for it a little bit.

So, that being said - bring on the new year.  This one is going to be better than the last.  I may be turning 40 but I am in the best shape of my entire life.  It is never too late.