Thursday, September 27, 2012

God loves a hot mess......





These are merely a few words that have been spoken to me by others.  Christians, nonetheless.

I have had a rough past, more than most but not as bad as some.  It consists of molestation, rape, drugs, alcohol, abuse, dark magic, mutilation and feelings of worthlessness.  So how did I find God in the midst of all that mess?

I did not become a Christian because it was instilled in me at a young age.  I went to church until I was about ten years old.  It wasn't a priority.  My dad believed church wasn't the archway into heaven.  He studied his Bible at home and I assumed he prayed although I never actually saw him do it.  God was spoken of in our house but it was as if it was a scape-goat; an after thought.  I have no doubt that my dad is in heaven at this very moment.  Although, I also don't believe he did everything he could to ensure his kids would meet him there.

So as I had gotten older, my life took a down hill spiral that was out of control.  Most weren't aware of the pain and the skeletons I kept locked away in my proverbial closet.  There was such a void in my life that I tried to fill it with anything that could possibly numb me to the false reality that I was worthless.

Once I found God, I no longer was locked in a darkness that I created for myself.  It was as if it all sloughed off.  I realized that I was created with purpose.  I had something I had never truly experienced in my 30 years ---- hope. 

I had something to hope in; I had a desire to get to know God intimately and let Him lead the course of my life.  I knew I could no longer hold the reigns because my wild horses were leading me down a rocky path.  I gave it all to Him and knew it would all be okay.

That was in 2005.  Since then I have had to cut ties with some pretty influential people in my life.  While some of those relationships pained me to end, I knew I had to.  I was an addict.  I couldn't put myself in a position where I would have to rely on myself to be strong.  I knew I couldn't.  It took years before I would go anywhere that had alcohol.  I can be transparent and say I still stay clear of anyone who may have illegal substances on them.....I am not sure I can trust myself.  I was that much gone.  While I know that God is my strength, I still have to do my part and recognize my weaknesses and stay away from them so the devil has no foot hold to use them against me in a moment of weakness.

Since I became a Christian, I have been put down, ridiculed, called names, been told I was not truly me, been told I was being brainwashed, and the list goes on.  Once I took a leadership role, I was called much worse by those who professed they were of faith as well.  Starting out, I let it get to me in a way that I either lashed out or just sat and folded inside my self and cried.  I kept saying that I was not equipped for this.....I was not trained.  God told me what to do and I did it.  I thought that was what we, as believers, were suppose to do?  Seemed pretty cut and dried to me.  However, others didn't understand and they attacked me.  When I was trying to help, they viewed it as me being "holier than thou".  When I would offer insight, they would deem me as "holier than thou".  They didn't believe the change I had made was genuine.  It hurt.  It hurt deep because I knew the joy I felt and the unexplainable sense of hope that I had NEVER had.....and I have people saying that I am not truly who I claim I am.  Doubt crept in and I about threw in the towel on more than one occasion.

That small voice; that small still voice of God kept me focused and he said - "I called you, therefore I will equip you."  I was then reminded of the scripture - Matthew 13:57 "And they took offense at him.  But Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his own town and in his own home.”

In Jesus' hometown, he went to preach and the crowd recognized him as Mary's son and knew his dad was a carpenter.  They were thinking they knew Mary and Joseph and they knew Jesus since he was a boy.   And now he is coming back claiming to be the Messiah?  They were probably thinking there was no way this young boy they used to know in the man before them was the Son of God.  And because of their lack of faith - Jesus did not perform any miracles there.

Point being - those that know us the closest are the hardest skeptics.  When I catch up with someone in my past and they say - "Hey!  What are you up to these days?"  In which I reply, "Not much, I am a youth pastor now with my husband."  I get one of two reactions - they either laugh and say "no, really what do you do?" or there is an awkward pause as the smiles fade and a cloud of disbelief shadows their faces.

I didn't decide to follow God because I was raised that way.  In fact, I was molested by a preacher that followed God, so if nothing else, I should be angry at Him.  I didn't decide to follow Him because it makes me feel warm and fuzzy - in fact, being a Christian is hard.  I still have doubts, fears, sadness, depression, anger but the difference now is I can rely on God to help me through and I am a work in progress.  I am better but I haven't arrived.  

No, I followed God because I had tried to find happiness and peace in every other avenue.  I was miserable and unhappy.  Life had no meaning and I was in such a dark place that the enemy thought he had me with no fear of losing me.  When I made the decision to accept Jesus into my life, it wasn't by accident.  God was saying it was time to make a choice.  Choose wisely....and I fell to my knees and I chose Him. 

I chose Him because He was the only one who loved me when I was unlovable.  He loved me despite my imperfections.  He never judged my mistakes and welcomed me each time I ran to Him.  The love He showers on me is so perfect that I cannot imagine my life without Him.  I think back on who I used to be and I can hardly remember that time and when I do, I mourn.  Not because I miss who I used to be but I feel like I wasted so much time dancing with the devil.  

I chose God for the simple fact that He first loved me.  Do I need any other reason? 


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