Wednesday, November 7, 2012

King trumps President.....

In the aftermath of the political fiasco, I woke up to Google who won the election.  I went to bed once Matt turned the station to political jargon.  I, frankly, never followed politics nor cared to.  I know who the president is and that is about as far as my political knowledge goes.

I woke up to quite a few posts on Facebook that I scrolled through, read, pondered and even furrowed a brow once or twice at the statements made -- most made by fellow believers. 

Now, while I don't follow politics and I knew that Obama was for gay marriages and abortion - two things I do not stand behind because they go against Biblical principles.  Did I vote for Romney then?  No, I didn't vote at all.


I know...I have heard it for months.  It is my Christian duty to vote.  It is my obligation as a Christ-followerer to make a difference with my ballot.  Yea, I get that.  However, I have faced some nasty arguments, insults and words making me feel less of a Christian because I choose not to vote.....and these are coming from my fellow believers in Christ.  Just as it is your freedom to vote; it is my freedom not to.  It is not your place to shove politics down my throat and judge me because I choose not to cast a vote.  I have never voted....probably never will.

With that being said, I do not complain about who is in office.  Obama is in the White House....okay.  There is nothing I can do - what's done is done.  Last time I checked Jesus is still on the throne.  Christians (and non) are posting how we are doomed; there is no hope; better be praying more than ever; etc.  Shouldn't we have been praying all along?

Wake up, Christians!  Jesus is King.  That will never change.  He allows these events to take place.  Nothing....NOTHING happens without God letting it happen ( the book of Job).  Yet I continue to read post after post about how there is no hope, all is lost.  Seriously?  How about we not put our trust in the man we put in the White House but in the Man we put on the cross???

Instead of complaining and speaking negatively, how about we pray for our president?  We will pray for our family's salvation and those close to us, we pray they make better decisions and find God.  And yet the man who makes the decisions for us all, we say there is no hope.  He is no less deserving of our prayers.  He is not HOPELESS.  Nothing is impossible with God!  He hears our pleas and our petitions go before the throne.  So instead of getting on our soap box, how about we get on our knees?

I have heard about this being the last days and I even said something similar.  It is true.  This planet has been dying and in its "last days" since the Garden of Eden.  However, as the birth of the resurrected Jesus draws near (what we, Christians, call the rapture or Jesus returning for his bride - aka the Church), the earth will experience birthing pains.  They will get more frequent and more painful......people will become lovers of themselves, false teaching will emerge and devastation will hit like never before and it will become like in the days of Noah.  Christians are saying this like it is a bad thing?!  I say bring it on!  Jesus can return anytime and I would be okay with that.  Granted, I would want him to hold out just a little while longer so I could spread the Gospel more but if He chose to come now, I will be weeping with joy at my King's feet.

So, as this election caused many to cringe and snarl with distaste - just remember that Obama may be president but his reign will be over in 4 years ---- Jesus is KING forever.  Trust in the one who died for you and promised to return. 

All will be okay.

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