Tuesday, November 20, 2012

When I am weak; He is strong....

 "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."  - Galatians 6:9

This is one of my favorite scriptures.  I hold fast to this on many occasions, remembering God's promises.

When I first went to the altar to get saved (a term used by Christians when one accepts Jesus into their lives), God spoke very clearly to my heart.  He told me I would work with youth in some capacity.  So, as soon as I accepted Jesus, I jumped right into the ministry.  At the church I was saved in, Matt and I both stepped into the youth.  Even though it was for a short time before we moved on, we still built a couple bonds that are strong today.

That was over 7 years ago and I am still in youth ministry.  At first it was fun, lots of laughs and good times.  However, as the years progressed it became even harder.  There were more tears than laughter.  There was more pain than rejoicing.  There was more anger than love.  It became HARD. 

I am not going to lie - I had thought about quitting on more than one occasion.  I didn't know if I could handle the roller coaster of emotions I had to deal with, not just with the youth but within myself.  I am a very empathetic person.  When someone hurts, I hurt.  When someone feels grief, I grieve.  It is something I cannot help.  Let me tell you......this young generation is hurting.  Hurting so terribly that they need a healer.  They are searching for something to fill the void; mend the hole.....unfortunately, they are looking in all the wrong places so we, as mentors, need to teach them that there is only one way to fix it - Jesus.

I think society thinks of youth ministry as a fun ministry where you play silly games, eat lots of junk food and lay around telling corny jokes.  While this is part of youth ministry, it is such a small part.  People don't see you sitting in a room while a young girl cries because she has been sexually abused.  People don't see you up all night worried about a teen that just text you about his/her cutting addiction.  People don't see you stressed because one of your teens hasn't been in youth for a few weeks and you know they have a reckless behavior.  People don't see you holding a teen that just needs to cry because they feel worthless.  People don't see you crying with a young girl/boy who feels lonely in a crowded room.  People don't see your heart broken when someone you have poured into rejects you.  People don't see the tears of sadness you shed when one of your youth goes onto college.  People don't see you in the store, deciding what is the best gift to get one of your youth that is away and misses everyone.......everyone who never texts to check up on him/her.   People don't see you trying to stay awake at 3 in the morning because a youth wants to just talk because they are lonely and have no one else to talk to.  People don't see your meal getting cold on the counter because someone sent you a private message on FB, needing to talk.  People don't see your gas gauge floating barely above empty because you ran into town because a youth needed you.  People don't see you praying harder than you have ever prayed before, pleading with God to just reveal himself to your youth so they "get it".  People don't see you rejoicing when they do "get it".  People don't understand why you are in the check out line buying pickled pigs feet and sardines.  People don't understand why there are always bags under your eyes.  People don't see you scrape together your pennies to ensure there is pizza on movie night.  People don't see you change your plans so that events will work around the teens schedule. 

People don't see you praying to God to confirm that youth ministry is where you should be.

It isn't easy but it is worth it.  Have I thought about quitting?  On more than one occasion.  I won't deny it.  I have thought about going a different avenue, thought about moving to a different state even.  However, when I get to those moments, God reminds me that He has called me to do this.  He has told me I would work with youth my entire life in some capacity.  When I feel like throwing in the towel, I get a message from someone saying they need my help.  I get young people that I don't even know messaging me saying they need someone to talk to. 

It is often times and thankless job.  It is a job I don't get a paycheck for.  It is a job that is "on site" training.  I don't always know what to say or do.  I was never trained for this.  However, God has instilled the desire and the love for this generation.  That is all I need. 

So when you ask someone what they do and they say "youth leader", don't jump to conclusions that it is all fun and games.  When someone introduces a person as the "youth pastor", shake their hands and thank them.  They are making a difference, just like all areas of ministry are.  Don't look at your church's youth group as a place where the kids are placed to be "out of the way".  These young people are our future.  They ARE the church.  They want to find their place; they want to be heard; they want to be accepted and loved - just like the rest of us.  Do not count them out because they are young.  Do not cast judgment because they are loud and rowdy.  They are the energy that moves mountains.  They are the fresh air that can breath new life into old bones.  Do not hinder their talents; do not push them aside.  They were created for a time such as this.  You can either jump on the wagon or get off the road because these young people are making a way.......it may not be a way you are used to but it is a God paved path and it is leading to great things.

With that being said, I just want to say I love my youth group.  I am humbled beyond measure that God has placed me there with a great group of young people.  I feel loved by them; I am proud of them; I enjoy hanging out with them and I am blessed to have them in my life and to have my own kids as part of that group.  It is hard work but it is rewarding.  It is thankless but it is needed.  Hats off to my fellow youth leaders.  Keep fighting the good fight.

These kids need us.

Says it all

Ok...so being in youth ministry gives me a legit reason to do something like this....hehe

Tender moments

They love Matt too......I think. haha


  1. Hello there.I stumbled upon your blog today and just wanted to say I applaud you for being so candid,as well as making a difference in the world.

    I recently had a dedication prayer done,as I was not Christened when I was born,and it has always bothered me.

    I don't attend church,but do read the bible,although I should read it more,and I am trying to live the life that I know God would want for me.

    It's hard sometimes,and I have struggled with some of the issues you listed your youth group has,but I have learned to forgive people who have wronged me in life,and keep truckin.

    Thanks for an excellent read,you are a great writer,and an inspirational person.

    Take care,and God Bless.

  2. Thanks so much for the kind words. I am so glad you enjoy the reads and it warms my heart that they can tough others. I am just who I am and while I am in the ministry, I am still human. I am so pleased you did the dedication prayer! God is truly amazing and He is going to explode in your life, I have no doubt! If I don't see you on this side of heaven, know that I will be looking for you when we get there :)

    God bless!
