Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Shaken, Not Stirred......

This blog is going to be short and sweet.

As I sit near my window watching the snow fall with a warm cup in my hand, I can't help but be content.  Any anxiety, anger, doldrums....any negativity that threatens to engulf me melts away.  The snow falls so silently and peacefully that my eyes grow heavy just watching it.  It is as if I am inside a freshly shaken snow globe.

God is truly a mastermind.  While others are complaining about the wintry precipitation and some are wishing for spring, I am content to sit near my window and watch it fall in silent admiration.  God has created this wonderful world we live in.  He demonstrates His power in a storm, His love in a rainbow, His creativity in a platypus, His playfulness in the ocean tide, His affection in a cocoon......

Don't be in such a hurry to move on to the next season.  Enjoy the one you are in.

The view from my chair - good book, warm drink and an affectionate cat in my lap. What more do I need?

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