Sunday, October 20, 2013

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year.....

Odd?  Perhaps.  I have been called worse. 

I love this time of year.  Yes, I enjoy the leaves changing colors, the crispness of the air and warm, delectable drinks.  However, I enjoy this time of year for a much different reason.

Our church puts on an event for the community called Fear Factory and the Maze of Darkness.  There is a lot of controversy with what we do.  I have gotten into many debates about why it is wrong and have had my fair share of opinions on the subject. 

With our FF/MoD, we are giving the community something they are searching for while sharing the gospel in an unconventional manner.  At the start of the attraction, guests are plunged into a maze so dark they cannot see their hands in front of their faces.  With many twists and turns, you must find your way out.  The maze indicates our lives without Christ - we stumble in the darkness, searching for the light that can save us.  Once guests exit the maze, they are then plunged into a post- apocalyptic, interactive experience that is a representation of our interpretation of the "end times" taken right out of the book of Revelation. 

Many express concerns, saying they don't agree with scaring people into salvations.  However, some people (myself included) need a radical, in-your-face realization to finally comprehend what they may face if they continue on the path they are taking.

When Jesus spoke to fisherman, he talked about fish; when he talked to farmers, he mentioned wheat; when he talked to tax collectors, he mentioned money.....we need to get on their level with something they are familiar with without compromising our beliefs in order to share the gospel and have them truly hear what we are saying.

A lot of Christians like to shut their lights off, close their blinds and pretend to not be home - deeming Halloween as "the devil's day".  In Psalms it states 'This is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it!'  It says THIS is the day; not this is the day except October 31st.  We give too much power to the devil!  I don't know about you, but I refuse to hand over one of God's days to the enemy.

 I understand the origin of Halloween and I am not saying to practice the evil associated with it (which was created by man and superstition).  However, I am saying not to point fingers and cast a stone because a church wants to reach a community.  It seems there is no grey area on the subject; either you are okay with Halloween or against it.  That is your choice and your walk with God to determine your convictions on the topic. 

I love my church and the fact that they step out of the norm and offer something so different and radical to the community.  The area wants a "spook house" type of attraction and we give it to them - complete with blood, jump scares, strobe lights, dead bodies and rats.  We just do it in a manner that does not compromise what we stand for and who we are and in the end, we present the Gospel and give out candy! 

So if you are in the NW Indiana area, come visit us on one of our opening nights. $8.00 to experience both and we have yummy concessions for purchase!  The Maze and Fear Factory are both enclosed so rain, snow or shine we are open!  We begin construction on our  maze late August and on our Fear Factory early October.  It has taken many, many hours (some days as long as 10-12 hours), many scrapes and bruises to complete this attraction.  It is our 10th year (and you get FREE popcorn to celebrate!) and I love every minute of it.  THIS is ministry!  You many not think so but I am sure when Jesus turned the water into wine for his friend's wedding, onlookers gasped and thought "what in the world is he doing!?"  He saw a need and he met it.  We do not want one to parish, so we are meeting them where they are.  Like it or not, it makes no difference......200 people came to Christ last year.  That is 200 people that I will be partying it up in heaven with.  That is 200 people who won't parish in hell.  That is why we do what we do.

*Special shout out to Jeremy and Cindy Cummins who took a God instilled idea and made it a reality.  

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