Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Lesson Learned

I was out and about today, so I stopped by Meijer's to browse and to get me a pop because I was parched. I picked up a few things and made my way to the cash register.  I opted to go through a manned register instead of the self check out.

The young lady there was disheveled looking and her face was pinched in a scowl.  I placed my items up on the belt and it didn't take long for her to speak her mind.  It went a little like this.

C (cashier) : I am about to snap.
M (me): Sorry to hear that.
C : *heavy sigh* For real.  People can be so *pause* rude.  Like seriously.
M : I know and it seems the closer it gets to the holidays, the ruder people are.
C : You don't understand.  I am about to freak out.
M : I understand.  Just know that it will be ok.  It is only for a short time.
C : *small smile* Thank you, have a great night.
M : You too, and have a great Thanksgiving

There is so much truth in that conversation.  I dread leaving my house. No matter where I go, it seems people are rude, obnoxious or just downright mean.  It IS the holidays, right?  It IS the season of peace, love and joy......right?

What is happening?  People are talking about how thankful they are for what they have and in the next breath talking about heading out to get an item on Black Friday.  I just don't get it.  I try not to be one of those people but sometimes others just bring out the worst in me.  I try to be patient but it is so hard when others are only out for themselves.  I am fairly polite in the store - saying excuse me, apologizing when I bump into someone or waiting patiently while someone decides on mustard or ketchup. 

My problem is I expect others to be as I am.  And that just isn't reality.  These cashiers work hard.  They are on their feet many hours, often without a break and they are ringing up YOUR items.  The least you could do is offer a smile, say a few kind words and be patient.  It isn't their fault.  By me just saying "it will be okay", I could see the sourness melt from her face.  Sometimes that is all we need to hear - it will be ok.

Granted, we should be gentle, patient and kind year 'round.  However, can we all try to be the next 6 weeks?  Let's be a little more patient, say a few extra kind words and smile more no matter our own circumstance.  I find when I am being intentionally kind towards someone that, in return, I feel a little bit better myself. 

I guess what I am saying is sometimes happiness is a choice.  You can choose to dread going out this time of year, you can choose to be a sourpuss and snarl at everyone, you can choose to push your shopping cart like you are going to win an award at the finish line.....or you can go out with the mentality that you will make a difference, that you will change someone's outlook on humanity and that because of you, someone will know that not everyone is like what they perceive them to be.

Once I was driving home, I kicked myself.  The holy spirit tugged on me a little bit.  He said I did well in my words but I should have told her - "It will be alright because Jesus loves you." 

Next time.......

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