Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Transformation - if I can do it, anyone can!

So I have been on a transformation journey.  Many people have asked "how did you do it?" or "how can I do it?".  Therefore, I  thought I would blog about my accomplishments that have gotten me to this point. I would have blogged earlier but I was waiting for a milestone and am within a stone's throw away.

I started this journey to a healthier, happier me last fall - October to be exact.  I had gotten to a point that I was in a state of depression.  There were a lot of changes happening and, quite frankly, I didn't want to accept them.  My kids were getting older, talking about college, talking about moving away....I realized I would be an empty nester in a few years and that really hit me hard.  It was almost like I was going through a mourning period.  A time where I was grieving the loss of my kids as they were leading into their adulthood.  It wasn't a good place to be.

Therefore, I looked at myself and realized I had enough of the person I was staring at in the mirror.  I was unhealthy, overweight, unhappy and was done.  It was time to shed the weight.

It was easy to start with.  I reverted back to low carb dieting (in a sense, Atkins).  It had worked well before but it is definitely NOT for everyone.  In the course of a couple months I shed 20 pounds, which was good considering it was over the holidays.

The first of the year rolled around and Matt convinced me to check out the gym. It had taken him the better part of the previous year to convince me to go.  I thought I was going to be "that girl" - the overweight girl in the sea of hard, fit bodies.  The one struggling to catch her breath, red faced and huffing and puffing while everyone else made it look effortless.  To be honest, when we went to check out the gym - that is exactly the way it was.  I looked around to see hard bodies lifting weights and I felt like a beluga in an ocean of sharks.

But, I was diligent.  I went to the gym, on average, three times a week (often times more) taking classes.  I did the treadmill at home and limited my calories. The crazy thing - I was enjoying it.  I went to the gym on days I didn't want to, I went on days I didn't feel well, I went when the roads were icy, I went when I was sore........the point is - I went.  No excuses.

One day I woke and realized my body had changed seemingly overnight.  I was seeing muscles that had been dormant for most of my life, I was seeing bones that were masked by fat and I was taking shape instead of being just a mass.  It felt good.

It all wasn't good though.  There were weeks I gained (as much as 3 lbs), there was a period where I went over 2 weeks and hadn't lost a pound, there were times I almost cried because of the scale fluctuating.  Then I realized - I will continue to work hard and not give up, no matter what the scale says.  That number does not define who I am.  So, with that being said - I have lost shy of 50 lbs since the beginning of the journey.

People ask me how I did it.  Two things - eat less and move more.  There is NO diet pill, NO magic shake, NO magic isn't rocket science and does not happen over night.  So, here is a break down of how I did it:

I limit my calories to 1200-1300 calories a day.  Yes, there are days I squeak a little more but never do I go less.  If you (as a woman) go less than 1200 calories, the body goes into starvation mode.  It thinks it is starving and doesn't know when it's next meal is going to come so it hordes all the calories you intake and stores it.  I eat every 3 hours, give or take.  Again, this keeps the body working. It keeps the metabolism working so it doesn't slow down and become sluggish.  I try to eat more protein - eggs, beans, meat, protein bars, Greek yogurt, etc.  Protein takes longer to digest so the metabolism has to work harder to break it down into fuel (causes you to feel full longer too!).  I don't clean eat....meaning eating all natural, not processed.  If I want a snack, I eat it.  I just eat less of it and don't exceed my calories.  I hate....HATE drinking water.  I think it is pointless because it has no nutritional value and no taste.  However, the body needs it. Water flushes out impurities, helps fight hunger, good for hair/skin, flushes out sodium and replinishes the water you lose.  So I try to drink more and haven't mastered the required amount just yet.  I drink a lot of green tea, hot and cold.  Drinking 3 cups a day has proven to speed up metabolism and has other health benefits.  I can NOT drink unsweetened tea.  So I use Truvia - all natural.  I stay away from Splenda, Equal, Sweet and Low, etc.

I stop eating 3 hours before bed (usually I just shoot for between 9-10pm).  That way my body doesn't slow down and hang onto the extra calories.  By eating every 3 hours, I rarely feel hungry and if I do, I know that in an hour or so I get a snack.

I drink loads of green tea throughout the day, take a fish oil supplement as well as an iron and calcium supplement (or you can opt for a multivitamin).

I shop in bulk and separate at home.  I buy frozen mixed fruit in the bag, baked chips, baked crackers, pretzels, etc and then separate them into baggies with the calories on the outside of the bag so I can grab and go.  If we are going out, I plan ahead on where we will eat and look up the calories (we eat a lot of Subway!).  Be warned - a lot of resturaunt foods are packed with sodium (even chicken breast, salads, etc).  Sodium has health risks, obviously, but it can make the scale go up due to water retention.

Healthy eating DOES NOT MEAN MORE EXPENSIVE!!!  Many people say "I would eat healthier if it wasn't so expensive".  I spend the same amount on groceries as I did before, no lie.  If I happen to spend a few extra dollars one week, I feel my life is worth it.

Now that food is taken care of - the dreaded exercise.  Actually, I enjoy going to the gym - who knew?  But..........I hate.....loathe....despise....the treadmill o' doom.  I do it because it is a big calorie burner and I have one at home but I hate it.

I go to the gym on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (sometimes Saturdays) and do an hour class on each of the days.  On Fridays, I do 2 hours.  On the days I don't go to the gym, I do the treadmill o' doom for at least 30 minutes.  I typically do 3 miles, but lately I have been doing 2.5.  I have a birth defect in my knee and sometimes it does not like the high impact of the treadmill.  So I work out 6 days a week, sometimes 7.  I try to force myself to rest on Sundays but I feel blah if I don't do something.  I went from COMPLETELY sedentary - no exercise AT ALL - to exercising 6 days a week.  If I can do it, anyone can!

I am not where I want to be but I am well on my way.  50 pounds down, 12 inches off my body and I bought a size large shirt the other day.  That may not seem like a big deal but I went from a size 2 xl shirt to a large.  My daughter kept telling me to stop buying 'fat' is a mindset.  Even buying that large shirt, I kept thinking it wouldn't fit.  My mind is still in that heavier body.  Weight loss and getting healthier is not just about food and exercise - it is a mental game. 

I tried dieting and exercising before and quit when I didn't see the results I wanted.  This time, I am determined.  I feel like I wasted most of my life in a fat suit.  I want to be healthy and not look through clothes trying to discretely see if they have my size and knowing that they won't.  I am tired of wearing frumpy clothes to try to hide my size when in reality I wasn't hiding anything.  I am tired of feeling like crap - all the time.  Something clicked inside my head and the only thing I regret is that it didn't happen sooner.

With that being said - below is a before and after picture.  I look at that now and am so proud of myself.  Proud of the hard work I have done.  I am also proud of Matt.  He has taken the journey with me.  He is down almost 30 pounds and still pushing through.

You can do it.  Believe in yourself.  It is never too late.  I will be 39 years old this year.  I have a lot more life in me.  I don't want to be a spectator in life.  I want to to slide into heaven exclaiming - "Whew!  What a ride!".