Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Born to Raise the Dead

Time flies, I think we can all agree on that mantra.  It is nearing May and it is my "busy" season.  First on the agenda is the Built for Battle (B4B) youth rally.  We are entering our 5th year doing this event that was birthed out of a need rather than a want.

We were going to local conferences geared towards the youth, however the prices kept inclining.  By the time hotel was figured out, gas, food and the registration for the event - we were talking around $100 for an overnight trip.  While this may seem like a reasonable amount to some, it isn't to our group.  Not only did the youth struggle to get the $100 (even with fundraising) but my kids were entering the youth group and for Matt, myself and my two children to go we are bordering on $400 (nope, youth pastors don't get a discount!).

Therefore, Matt toyed with the idea of creating our own event.  Honestly, I was against it.  I was already doing annual concerts geared towards the youth and didn't want to take on another event.  But the more I thought about it, the more the idea intrigued me.

A name.

A name can make or break an event.  I told Matt it had to be catchy and roll off the tongue.  He tossed out a few that made me wrinkle my nose.  I then shook my head and said - "No, it has to be something catching like Built for Battle or something like that."  He didn't like it; I didn't really like it because I just spouted it off as an example.  But the more I thought about it, the more I actually liked it.  So it stuck.

Our first event was an overnighter and while it was fun, it was disastrous at the same time.  We tried to take what we knew about conferences and do ours with that model.  It didn't work.  So, the following year we decided to make it one, long all day event.  This worked perfectly.  The key was not to model it after someone else but to make it our own.

So what is B4B?

Built for Battle is an all day event that is geared towards youth and young people (but all ages can attend).  It is an event to equip this generation with the necessary tools to go out into a world and fight for the lost.  It is an event where we demonstrate to this generation that they are valued, they have worth and that they were created with a purpose.

We do this event on a shoestring budget.  The first few years we funded it out of our own pockets.  Then we started to do fundraisers and ask for donations and while the funds are still minimal, God is not impressed by fancy lights and expensive give aways.  His message gets across and He shows up ever time.  He's good like that!

So our event is 7 hours on a Saturday.  We try to make it not too late due to church the next day however, the Holy Spirit sometimes has his own agenda.  We never do a formal dismissal.  When the altars open, we explain they are free to leave at any time but we will stay as long as it takes to break strongholds and heal hearts.  We have stayed over 2 hours while young people wept at the feet of Jesus and cried out for their generation.  Looking on these youth that fill our floor at the front of the sanctuary, I feel so undeserving.  I feel so humble that God uses me and all the volunteers to usher in His spirit to minister.

Our event has live music.  We try to get a variety and we seek out local, unsigned talent.  We want to support local music and we find that the artists that aren't signed are typically the best to have.  They come early, they stay late, they talk with the kids, they minister and they are humble.  We try to have a fun artist and a worship artist.  We like to have fun but we also want to give glory where it is due. 

We have guest speakers.  We try to have at least one speaker be a youth/young adult.  This is a youth rally therefore we feel they need to hear from their peers.  Matt and I pray and follow God's lead on how he wants the final message to go.  I did it last year and God gave me a message for this year that Matt and I will be working on together.  I am pretty excited.

We have food.  We sell concessions to make some profit to go into next year's fund but we also have a free dinner with dessert.  We sell event tee shirts as well.  We have loads of give aways.  That is the best part of an event, right?  Everyone likes to win something.  Unfortunately, not everyone can but we do give away a lot of small stuff like cups, shirts, candy, drinks, etc.  Then we have our door prize that values around $100. 

We then throw in some fun stuff like JWalkers drama group, games, a photo booth, etc.  It is loads of fun and we are truly blessed to be a part of it.

When we started this, our main goal was not charging an admission.  We never wanted someone to be deterred from coming due to an inability to pay.  Therefore, we offer all this for free.  Yes, we have items you can purchase but someone could come to this event and not bring a dime and have a great time!  We started out with about 50 people (most from our church).  Our heaviest event had over 140.  This year we anticipate over 100 with youth groups from around the area - some traveling about an hour!

It is just a little over 2 weeks away.  Money is tight this year as businesses didn't want to be as generous as they have been in the past.  However, I know this event is blessed by God and when God blesses something, He goes all the way - not just half way.  I know I will have what I need and that the event will be phenomenal.

So, if you are reading this blog - just say a prayer for our event.  Just pray for the building to be busting at the seams - not just with people but with His spirit.  Pray that those who come don't leave the same way they entered and that the transformation stirs something inside them.  Something that sticks to them like honey and is sweet to those around them.  That they get a fire to change this generation, state, nation and world! Pray that they take that back to their city, family, school and community.

If you are a young adult/youth reading this - come check it out!  May 17th, 2-9pm (cst) at The Bridge (615 W Clark) in Rensselaer.  I promise you that you will not be disappointed.

If you are a youth leader or pastor - bring your group (register at  It is FREE and a fun time.  We like to keep the event moving along and pack a lot in the time we have. 

When we look out and see young (and old) people, face down at the altars crying for change within themselves and within their society - it is all worth it.

Band - From These Ruins

Altar Time

Praying for one another

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