Saturday, June 14, 2014

To the men in my life......

It is late.....that is when my mind ponders and refuses to shut down like a normal person's would.

With that being said, it is also Father's Day.  Therefore, I wanted to blog about the inspirational father figures in my life.

First, my actual dad.  He has been gone 21 years.  It seems like a lifetime and yet seems like just yesterday.  While he and I never really saw eye to eye, I respect him more now than before.  It has to do with the maturity level, I am sure.  I wish I had known him as an adult, and I wish I had listened to his nuggets of wisdom more.  He was an intelligent man and my insatiable love for books comes from him.  He was soft spoken and didn't talk just to hear himself speak.  He rarely raised his voice and was a hard worker.  He is daily missed but I thank God for giving me pieces of him in my son.  There have been times that Caleb has taken my breath away by his posture or what he says and my dad comes through.  Happy Father's Day, Dad....see you again soon.

Next, my heavenly Father.  Corny?  Perhaps.  However, my life has been completely changed and turned upside down since 2008.  No one could ever convince me there is not a God.  Even though He doesn't have to, He proves Himself time and time again.  There are some days I think to myself how I ever survived without the knowledge of God and His presence in my life.  My life has never been the same.

Matt.....he may not be my father but he is a father in my life.  We were both young when we got married and he took on, not only me, but my 2 year old son as well.  He has always worked hard to provide for us.  He will do anything within his power to put a smile on our faces.  He has a tender heart and even though he gets on my nerves most days, I know he genuinely loves me and the kids.  I couldn't ask for a better dad for them.  It takes a special man to take on another woman's child and treat him like his own.  My son looks up to Matt and loves him without fail.

Lastly, my brother, Tracy.  When my dad passed away, he stepped up.  He handled things in a mature way.  For only being 27 at the time, he took the situation under his wing.  I never once saw him cry even though I knew the death of our dad was tearing him up inside.  He stayed strong, not because he wanted to be macho but because he didn't have a choice.  Everyone around him was falling apart.  He stood strong.  He has remained that way from then to now.  I know if I ever need anything, he will be there.  If I ever need help, he will come.  If I ever need to vent, he will listen.  He and I never argue or fight, we have the same gentle spirit and we see eye to eye on a lot of things.  We can talk for hours and laugh at stupid stuff.  He may not be my dad....but he is a pretty close second.

So with that being said, Happy Father's Day !!!  Kick your feet up, turn on the t.v. and just enjoy the day...and know that you are loved and appreciated!

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