Sunday, July 10, 2011

In the words of Frosty the Snowman....Happy Birthday!

I feel old.

My son turns 16 this week.  He has grown into such a handsome young man.  When he was little, I used to cradle him and think of how he would be when he was 16.  I sat and pondered on if he would be a good kid or would he be a kid that was never home and would rather spend time with his friends than family.  I never dreamed he would be as amazing as he is today.

He was born in a small community in Indiana and was 3 weeks late.  Come to think of it, he never gets in a hurry now!  He was 8 pounds 7 ounces and I was young (I was not quite 20 years old when I had him).  I had this bundle that I could "play house" with and soon realized that it wasn't all blankies and teddy bears.

We have been through alot, he and I.  However, we have persevered.  He knows he can depend on me and I know that he has my back.  He is a young man I can be proud of.

He has the biggest heart of anyone I know and has such passion in the things he enjoys.  He is so musically gifted that I wonder who the heck he got THAT from because I can't carry a tune in a bucket!  He plays the drums like a beast and is so intelligent that it makes me angry when he doesn't apply himself.  He loves God and his friends and would lay down his life for either.  He would give his last dollar to help someone out and he loves his step-dad like he was his biological.

He tends to be awkward and spout off at situations he doesn't know how to respond in which is often mistaken for disrespect.  He is a teenage boy and is working on discovering who he is in a world where you can be anything if you just apply yourself.

He is so much like my dad that it makes me tear up sometimes.  He and my dad would have been buddies, I am sure of that.  He has some of the same interests, mannerisms and things he says that make me thank God for giving me a piece of my dad in my son.

I couldn't of asked for a better son.

So as his birthday week is approaching, I just offer up a prayer for him -

Dear Heavenly Father,
I pray blessings over Caleb.  I pray that everything his hands touch and every place his feet plant are blessed and give glory to You.  I pray that as he transitions into adulthood soon and how in a few years he will have to make some big decisions, I pray that he goes to You for guidance first.  I pray that he keeps his focus on what You want for him.  I pray that he succeeds in everything he sets out to accomplish and I also pray that his failures are not looked at as such but looked at opportunities to move on and learn.  I pray that he finds someone that loves God more than she loves him and someone that respects him and cherishes him as much as I do.  I pray that he doesn't let the worldly things tickle his mind with promises of things that are not pleasing to God.  I pray that he stays rooted in the Word and connected with You.  I pray that his greatest love is his love for his Creator.  I pray for a hedge of protection and a blood covering for himself, his future family and a safety and security that only you, God, can provide.

I ask this is Jesus' precious name.

I love you, Caleb.

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