Monday, July 25, 2011

Everyone has a lil' superhero in 'em....

Vacation Bible School (VBS) started this week.  This is my fifth year doing it and my first year tackling it alone.  Even though I have doubted myself, debated with myself and even thought I couldn't pull it off, tonight was a success!  Four more days to go!

This year's theme is "Hero Headquarters".  It isn't your typical heroes.  We don't have Spiderman or Superman on the walls.  No, most of the superheroes we show are unnamed.  The Bible stories we learn about all week are about some amazing heroes that never were named.  Today we learned about how Naaman had leprosy and went to Elisha only to be ignored.  Then a servant girl came and told Naaman what to do - dunk in the Jordan 7 times.  He did and was healed!  How grateful he must have been to that servant girl ...... who's name we don't even know!

VBS is full of fun, games, snacks and just having a good time.  I think my volunteers have as much (if not more) fun than the kids that come!  They dress up and get the kids pumped and try to involve every kid so no one feels left out.

So why do it?

VBS is a long process.  While I am doing VBS week, I already am thinking of next year's theme.  I will order the kit in the winter (if not before) and already begin on planning.  It takes about 9 months from start to finish. It does get easier as the years go on.  I know what works, what doesn't and know what I need to focus on the most.  It is hard and sometimes overwhelming but it is worth it in the end.

To stand up there and dance and talk to the kids while they are engaged in what I am saying is so rewarding.  To give the message of Jesus and the Bible and to have kids just enjoy learning about Him is amazing.  It is great when I ask what they learned and they can tell me.  They really get it.  Some people over look children but Jesus said to let them come.  We are to train them up in His ways and send them out.  If we can have fun doing it, then why not?!  haha!

I couldn't do this without my amazing volunteers.  It takes about 20 volunteers to run VBS smoothly.  I would like to personally thank my husband.  He works 7 days a week and he goes and helps at VBS then comes home and goes to work.  I know he hates it (not VBS so much, but the dedication and the energy it takes) but he does it because I need him and for that I love him.  I know he has grumbled but seeing him interact with the kids makes me smile.  They truly love him.  He is "Pizza Man" and I can hear all the kids yell PIZZA MAN! when they see him. Some even wanted to share their snack of the day with him. That would melt anyone's heart.  So, to Matt - thank you so much for helping me.  It means a lot.  Really it does.   To my other volunteers - you mean the world to me.  Without you, this wouldn't be possible.

So, tomorrow is Day 2 and I am excited to see what this week is going to bring.  I know for one thing - it is going to bring happy, screaming kids to a church to learn about God in a way that is fun and exciting.  Who wouldn't love that?

"Don't let anyone look down on you beacuse you are young, but set an example for believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity."  -1 Timothy 4:12

Me as "Maintenance Misty" and Matt as "Pizza Man"

1 comment:

  1. That's so Awesome! Ive done a lot of research on why and when children walk away from God, and when the best time is to reach their tender hearts. VBS may only last a week, take a LOT of work, and be exhausting, but you are teaching truth to an age that is most open to the Gospel. I pray that your efforts touch hearts and souls in the Rensselaer area. Wish I had the extra gas to send my kiddos, LOL. They went to the VBS here in Brook, but yours is different and looks AMAZING!!!
