Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A mother's love.....

My kids started school today.  They are both now high schoolers!  *gasp*  My daughter started her freshman year and my son his sophomore year.  Where does the time go?  I tend to say that a lot lately.

As a mother, I can remember every detail of their birth and the majority of every moment from then til now.  I can remember, even though both were C-Sections, Caleb's was a breeze and Chey's was a nightmare.  I look back now and think that their personalities totally match how they came into the world.  Caleb is a pretty laid back kid that keeps to himself while Cheyenne is an anxious one that is a social butterfly.  Both my children are as different as night and day.

Now as I look at them, I could not be more proud.  Caleb is 16 and a great young man.  He is good looking, pleasant to be around, talented, loyal to those he lets into his life, passionate about what he enjoys, loves God and rarely has a bad word to say about anyone.  Considering the past he has had to endure, he is a good kid.

Cheyenne is 14 and such a great personality!  She is cute as a button, marches to the beat of her own drum, opinionated  funny, talented, loves God and has a heart to help those hurting.  She has come a long way and am proud of who she has become.

I am not saying my kids are perfect by any means.  They are kids so they tend to spout off at the mouth, throw fits, whine and sometimes make me want to gouge my eyes out with a hot poker.  However, that being said, I hear what other kids are up to or the problems I hear other kids facing (I hear a lot of horror stories since I am a youth pastor) and I thank God how awesome my kids are.

I expect them to make mistakes but I am quick to forgive.  I lavish them with gifts even if they don't deserve it.  I praise them for a job well done and scold them for a job less than desirable.  I expect them to give their best in all they do and if they fail doing so...that's okay because you can't condemn someone for failing if they tried as hard as they could.

Wow.  Sounds a lot like our Heavenly Father.  He hopes for the best in us but He expects us to make mistakes and is quick to forgive.  He lavishes His children with gifts even when they aren't deserving sometimes.  He praises us for a job well done and expects us to learn from a job done less than perfect.  He expects our best but accepts us at our worst.

All because He loves us.

So yes, I am bragging on my amazing kids.  If you don't like it, then you aren't a parent. I loved them the moment I found out they were in my belly.  It is crazy how you can love someone you have never met.  They say a man becomes a father when he holds the baby for the first time.....a woman becomes a mother when she finds out she is pregnant.  This is so true.

So to my kids, you are growing up so fast.  I want you to stay with me forever (and I sometimes think you will, haha) but I know that you will grow up, move on and have families of your own.  But know will never get rid of me.

I love you both more than my heart can contain.  Have a great first day of school!

Cheyenne and Caleb [then], ages 2 and 4

Cheyenne and Caleb [now], ages 14 and 16

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