Friday, July 20, 2012

Tragedy brings a repentant heart.....

I don't watch the news nor read much of it.  My dad was very routine when it came to the evening news.  He always watched it around 6pm and again later in the evening around 11pm.  He always liked to keep up with current events.  I, however, do not. 

But there is a current event that has peaked my interest - the shooting in Aurora, Colorado.  As I read more about the massacre that took place and watch news casts from the location, I can't help but play the 'what if' game.

Last night was the premier of The Dark Knight Rises, the new Batman movie.  I enjoy a good comic book flick as much as the next nerd but I lost interest in Batman some time ago (give me good ole Michael Keaton).  However, some of the students from my youth group were going to the midnight viewing and asked us along.  So, we decided to go.

As I watch the events in CO unfold, my heart breaks.  I sit and think what if that had happened where we were?  Society thinks they are immune to these events.  This is a laughable notion.  If we were immune, they would NEVER happen.  I am sure Aurora didn't anticipate this happening.  I am sure when the theater filled with avid Batman fans, they didn't think that that night would change their lives.

According to eyewitnesses and investigators - the young gunman, James Holmes,  bought a ticket and entered the theater then exited through an exit and made his way to his car.  There, he changed into all black gear (including a bullet proof vest, leg coverings, neck coverings, groin coverings, gloves, helmet and gas mask.  About 20 minutes into the movie, the gunman entered through the exit (which he presumably propped open) and threw a tear gas canister into the theater.  Movie patrons assumed this was a publicity stunt because it occurred at a moment in the movie during a shooting scene.  Then, Holmes shot one round towards the ceiling and it was then that chaos broke out.  He lowered his gun and opened fire into the theater.  He made his way up the aisle and continued to open fire.  As people made their way to the exit, he shot them one by one.  As of right now, he injured over 70 people and killed 12.  Holmes had 4 guns with over 6000 rounds of ammunition in his possession.

Police have caught the young man and have went to his apartment to discover it was so intricately booby-trapped that they had to send in a camera to view it.  They are sending in a high tech robot to go in and try to disarm the traps.

I was sitting and thinking, what if that had happened where we went?  If a gunman had opened fire into our it would effect so many people.  Caleb didn't go.  He could have lost everything.  A large part of our youth group had went.....not only would their families had been effected but our church would have been devastated.  This city of Aurora is in a upheaval.  Not just the families of the victims are effected but everyone who was there will be forever changed.

I think how we are never guaranteed tomorrow.  I know this is part of life but sometimes it takes a tragedy like this to really open my eyes to our immortality.  The bible says - 'Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow.' (James 4:13-14) 

We do not know what will happen tomorrow.  We are never guaranteed it.  We take so many things for granted.  Our lives are so busy and revolve so much around our own wants and desires that we get so wrapped up in living that we never truly live.

This packed theater was full of people averaging in ages 6-31 years old.  How many did not know Jesus?  Or how many knew of Him but never took the steps to follow Him because they figured there was 'always tomorrow'?  

"Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring." (Proverbs 27:1).  We truly don't know what tomorrow will bring.  It is a crazy thought.  It is sobering and a little frightening.  However, if we have a relationship with Jesus, we have no need to fear what a new day may bring.  We can anticipate joy and love and peace no matter the circumstance.  We spend too much time complaining and hating that it sucks the life out of us.  We need to dig deep and bring forth joy and compassion.

Evaluate your life.  If Jesus decided tomorrow was the day that you were to leave this earth, can you say that you are sure your eternity will be spent with Him?  I can say that even though I do my best to live as close to Him as I can, I fall short.  Thankfully, he says that if we repent and seek Him, we will always find Him.  How awesome is that? 

So, I pray for the victim's families tonight.  I pray for those injured.  I pray for those that had to witness and survive the horrendous ordeal.  I also pray for James Holmes.  This young man is not doomed to hell.  This young man is not innocent by any means and should be punished according to his crimes.  However, God is a fair and just judge and He loves Holmes no less than He loves me.  It wouldn't be fair to cast condemnation on this young man.  Even though his sin seems horrific in comparison to mine - sin is sin and none are greater than the other.  In the same retrospective - we are all God's children and He loves us all and asks us to pray for one another no matter the issues we are facing.  So, yes, I will pray for Holmes as much as I will pray for all involved.

God have mercy on this world.  Your grace is sufficient for me but Lord, I ask you to come swiftly.

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