Sunday, May 18, 2014

Practice What You Preach

Another year is flying by.

Yesterday was our 5th year of Built for Battle - our annual youth rally.  I am sore, tired and feel blah but it was so worth it.

This year's theme was "Armed & Dangerous".  The whole concept this year was to empower the young people of this generation.  We wanted to awaken something inside of them and show them that regardless of their circumstance, they were created with a purpose.

Every year we have a youth/young adult speaker.  We feel it is vital for those attending to see a peer and hear them speak about what God has laid on their hearts.  This year, Antonio Porras volunteered.  For being such a quiet young man, he definitely did a fantastic job!  His sermon involved live fish (which may or may not have been alive at the end of the night.....) and his point was made in a way that I am betting no one will soon forget.

Mike Feagans was another speaker who spoke on having faith the size of a mustard seed and being "all in".  He was very interactive and required participation - you could tell he is a teacher by trade.

Music this year was done by Alias and friends, a hip hop artist out of Michigan.  We have been blessed by our entertainers year after year.  In choosing them, I take it to prayer and God always delivers.  Alias was no exception.  He was a fantastic individual, loved performing, loved interacting with the crowd and an all around great guy.  Check him out on Facebook and give him some love.

Once Ascended took the stage again.  They have performed several times for us and a great group.  While we were anticipating a more upbeat set, their hearts were in their worship and they did great.

Matt and I closed it out.  I spoke on Gideon and our tokens this year were small glass jars with a light inside.  While I had this elaborate stage design planned, unfortunately I had to scrap the idea due to lack of space once equipment was was set up.  I'm not going to lie - I was disappointed.....but the message was still delivered and went forth.

Matt closed out the night with a story that brought the point home and an altar call.  The most anticipated part of the event.

Not to mention - concessions, loads of give - aways, dinner, photo booth, J-Walkers Drama Group and merchandise.  I wish I could thank everyone who volunteered or donated but I am afraid I will miss someone.  Therefore, I hope everyone knows how truly grateful I am for your help, encouragement and support!

Now the moment of truth......

This year was a rough one.  I had so many things come against me, I was feeling out of sorts and just not with it.  I tossed around the idea of making this year the last.  *gasp*   I know.....  It is hard and a lot of work and things got the best of me.  No matter how much I prayed, no matter how much I sought God...I still felt defeated.  I felt like a hypocrite.  I was pumping everyone up on being built for battle and created for war and I, myself, felt like I had lost the fight.

Typically, before B4B is even over, I have the tagline for next year.  The event is called Built for Battle but each year there is a tagline - this year's was "Armed & Dangerous".  I have noticed, over the years, the taglines have almost created a story.  God's cool like that!  But this year - I didn't have one.  I always like to blog about the event while it is fresh.  Therefore, I try to the following day (which is today).  It has been a tradition that I announce the tagline for next year but I didn't have one.  So I thought - maybe this *is* it!?

So, while I sat in the sanctuary today as Pastor Mark gave his mind began to wander (sorry, Pastor!).  As it did, I was thinking - "Ok, gotta give me something.  What do you want me to do?  Hang up the shield or continue on?  If you want me to continue on......"  that is as far as I got and the words came as clear as water. 

God is good.

So....without further ado......

*drum roll*

"Comrade in Arms"
Two are better than one...If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.
Ecclesiastes 4:9

Pictures for B4B '14

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