Thursday, June 2, 2011

Giving this a whirl....

I have been debating on if I should or should not create a blog to share my thoughts with the world.  I struggled back and forth with the idea, toying with it.  On one hand, I enjoy writing and throwing my thoughts down on paper....yet on the other hand I was afraid my opinionated OCD would leak through.
I guess this is proof that I decided to give it a go!  What will this blog entail?  Your guess is as good as mine.  My mind is so cluttered with random thoughts, facts, quips and ideas that one week I may post about my cat and the next week post about how much I hate mushrooms.  You can never tell.  This should make for an interesting read, yes?

One thing is for certain....many of my posts will reflect my love of Jesus.  Now, don't get me wrong.  I may have an 'off' day and that love seems strained but believe me when I say I am so in love with Jesus that sometimes I think my heart will explode.  As messy as that sounds - it is true.  So, I am hoping to post once a week - sometimes more but hopefully never less.

I just hope I don't stick my foot in my mouth TOO much.

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