Friday, June 10, 2011

Not your grandmother's music....


Heavy Metal.





Contemporary Christian.



.....shall I go on?

There are many genres of music out there.  I just got back a little bit ago from a local show.  My son is part of a band that is not for everyone, that's for sure.  It is hardcore, Christian music.  *gasp*   There is such a thing?!?!?!?!

Yes, there is....

Many people have said that they don't see how music that is growling, screaming and causing people to hit each other (moshing, slam dancing, etc) is glorifying God.  As I stood in the basement of a stuffy church, I watched my son and my two nephews (as well as two other members) scream and yell.  I am so proud of them.  They express their love for God through this type of music.  You may not understand the words (not because they aren't good vocalist but rather some of us are old - lol), but make no mistake that their lyrics do honor God.

We are not all alike.  We are such a wondrous variety for God.  He made us with our own personalities, our own likes, dislikes.  He made us DIFFERENT.  So while you may want to wince and cover your ears, these young men are reaching a genre of people that a hymnal generation will never reach.

The Bible states in Psalm 98:4 - "Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth, burst into jubilant song with music; make music to the Lord with the harp, with the harp and the sound of singing, with trumpets and the blast of the ram's horn, shout for joy before the Lord, the King."

It says to shout!  blast into song!  with trumpets! blast the ram's horn!  shout for joy!   That sounds like a party to me!  There are many Bible references throughout that tell us to shout for joy, sing loudly, beat the tambourine - give praises to the King!

If you prefer to worship to contemporary Christian or even the good ole country hymns, that is perfectly fine.  However, the screaming and growling that these bands do in the name of the Lord is no different.

The other day, I was watching my son play the drums for our youth worship team.  I watched his mannerisms, his expressions and his movements.  He is a loud drummer and doesn't hold back and sometimes people are 'put off' by that. But as I sat there and watched him, I was struck with a realization that I hadn't had before.  There, behind the drum shield, as he beat the snot out of those drums - he was worshiping God.  He was in that intimate place where it was just God and him.  Wow.

So before you cast a stone and say that these bands are not Christian or not for God, perhaps you should take a closer listen and even go a step further and talk to these young people after a show.  It won't take long before you realize that their hearts are sold out for God.....

L-R: Noah, Justin, Caleb, Kerry, and Caleb
The Way of All Flesh
(check them out on Facebook!)

Caleb beating the skins 
(he sings clean vocals for TWoAF and now does drums for the student worship team)

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