Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Like mother....like daughter

Well, it is 4:30 in the morning and I sit here wide awake.  It isn't that uncommon as I suffer from weird sleeping patterns.  One week I can sleep great....the next, hardly at all.  So, while I stare at the computer screen I decided to blog since I might not get to for a week and a half.  *gasp*

The problem with being up this late is that many thoughts dance around in my head.  Some random, some not so much.  But they all taunt me and keep my mind in constant motion making it difficult for it to shut down.  It also makes it difficult to blog because so many ideas course through my noggin.  However, with a trip to Florida steadily approaching, my thoughts go to my mother.  Florida...mother....you may wonder how I am making that connection.  We are leaving Thursday (by we, I mean me and the kids) to drive down to Florida with my mom and her husband, Bob.

My mother has been a great influence in my life.  She had a hard upbringing, more so than most and yet she still persevered.  Not to give to much detail (because I don't want her to be uncomfortable about this post), she was in a car accident when she was 16.  She was thrown from the vehicle and laid in a snowy embankment for hours until help arrived.  She spent many months in the hospital, some of it in a coma while she healed.  As a result of the accident, she had to be in a wheelchair for a year and learn to walk all over again.  She developed frost-bite on her foot and crushed hips which, in turn, caused one leg to be shorter than the other.  While this may seem trivial since it happened so long ago, I assure you it's not.  It just makes her that much more of an inspiration. 

My dad was disabled due to emphysema (from smoking) and my mom supported 5 kids on a CNA's salary.  She worked hard to provide the best she could.  My dad was an author and wrote free-lance and received money here and there but the main income was from my mom.  She would work many hours, sometimes 16 at a time, while her body ached in pain from the remnance of a past accident.  Yes, she is truly the strongest woman I know. I look back now and think how amazing she was in every aspect of our lives growing up.

She was my best friend.  And while I am married and my husband has taken on that role, she is still my best friend.  Growing up, I was the youngest of the brood and my dad seemed to be a bit more controlling of me, therefore I couldn't have any friends or hang out with anyone outside of school.  In turn, my mom became my best friend.  If I went shopping - it was with her.  If I went to a movie - it was with her.  If she was off on a weekday, I would leave a note for her to wait to go anywhere until I got home because I wanted to go.  I wanted to spend time with her.  I still enjoy spending time with her.

In my senior year, when I was 17, my dad passed away.  The details are not to be disclosed on here at this time (perhaps at a later time when I feel it is necessary) but when he passed, my mother showed a weakness I was not accustomed to.  I didn't feel mournful because my dad had just passed - I felt mournful because my mother was hurting.

She has overcome some amazing hurdles in her life.  She has come from a checkered past littered with abuse, injury, death and loneliness.  She has face hardships and struggles that I have never had to endure.

She has since found happiness among all the tragedies.  She has married an amazing guy that loves her so passionately that it makes my heart smile.  She has retired and just gets to enjoy life.  She deserves it more than any person I know.

So, I am excited to spend this time with her coming up.  My kids are excited.  I want them to make memories that they will remember for years to come and that they can share with their children.  My kids love my mom. They love her crazy antics and her candy and cookies as well as her teasing and laughter.

As I think about my mom, I merely sigh contently and I pray that I can be half the woman she is.  Someone that loves faithfully, someone that works hard without complaint, someone that looks at a mountain and knows she can overcome it (though it may take her a little longer, she will get it done - her words, not mine!), and someone that has left such a strong impact on her children that they strive to become better people.

I love you, mom.  Hope you are ready for us to invade your vacation time - haha!

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