Sunday, June 26, 2011

Who woulda' thunk it?

I just got home today after being gone for ten days.  The kids and I went to Florida with my mom and her husband.  Matt had to stay behind.  Now, while I did enjoy the Florida weather, I missed Matt terribly. 

I know that seems silly when I am a grown woman, for pete's sake!  Nonetheless, it is true.  I had been in Florida merely two days and my heart already ached for him.  I missed everything about him.  I would text him frequently and called just to hear his voice.

We have been together 15 years and married almost 14.  We have never been apart more than a day or two so this was quite an adventure.  I was so anxious to come home that I almost didn't enjoy the beautiful sunshine and the lounging by the pool.  I don't think my mom understood how much I missed Matt and mistook it for not wanting to be there. 

Matt has been there through some rough times.  He is the only person, other than God Himself, that knows everything about me.   When I feel like I have no one or that the world is against me, I know that he is on my side.  It is comforting to know that. 

I have been married once before.  That was a young, girlish mistake however I did get a wonderful son out of it.  But that wasn't love.  That was, for better lack of words, stupidity.  Matt and I - we are the real deal.

I guess what it boils down to is this - girls, don't just give your heart away.  We, as girls, are emotional creatures.  We always think we have to have someone by our sides.  It dates back to Adam and Eve.  Woman has never been alone.  She was created to be by a man's side.  Therefore, we get this mentality that we have to have someone so we will take anyone.  Not true!  God has specifically designed someone for you.  He has created your Prince Charming.  He has molded him and made him so that when you two meet, it is like you are two halves of the same person.

When you give away your heart flippantly, you give away a piece of you.  Each time you get hurt a little more and a little more and it begins to callouse and scar.  You feel like damaged goods and you don't ever feel good enough until it gets to the point that you will take anyone because you feel undeserving of God's best.

I made mistakes.  I got my heart trampled on and mistreated.  It created such scar tissue that it took my husband finally break through it to find the healing.  He was who God had designed for me.  He was the one willing to fight through the brokeness and the hurt to find a fresh mending.

So girls, when you feel you are ready to date someone....look at them and think to yourself - "Is he the one I will marry?"   It sounds creepy, but I assure you it isn't.  You deserve God's best pick for you.  If you go into a relationship knowing that God orchastrated it just for you, the love you will have for your husband will be so much stronger.  Then, you can be a 35 year old woman missing her husband so badly that she wanted to hop on a Greyhound and go home!

So I guess it is true what they say -"Absence makes the heart grow fonder."   Who woulda' thunk it? 

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